Melinda Wood Allen

About Melinda Wood Allen

Melinda Wood Allen—Minister, Artist

Rev. Melinda Wood Allen is Senior minister at Church of One Love in Farmers Branch, TX.

An Ordained Interfaith/Interspiritual Minister, Melinda is an experienced spiritual speaker, teacher, workshop facilitator and award-winning singer/songwriter with over30 years serving in New Thought ministries.

Rev. Melinda’s knowledge of spiritual principles and sacred scripture, her love of music, and her experience of  the richness of life — combine with an approachable authenticity and down-to-earth humor to present moving programs that can be life-changing.

As a Spiritual Teacher, she focuses on universal, timeless truths that have practical application in our lives today, and believes Truth can be found in all religious and cultural traditions.  She uses divinely inspired scriptures, prose and poetry to illustrate the spiritual ideas she shares, and encourages specific steps toward meaningful practice of these ideas.

As a performer, she loves many genres: musical theatre to classical to jazz to gospel to folk.  With her amazing four-octave range, she has toured with cowboy bands and symphony orchestras alike, not focusing on a single style of music, but on singing songs that bring universal truth, healing and inspiration to audiences.

Other engagements: Melinda leads workshops, gives concerts, facilitates retreats, speaks and shares her inspiring music at spiritual gatherings, churches & community centers across the country, as well as in prisons and to addiction recovery groups.  She is also a regular contributor at’s yearly spiritual retreat cruises.

Rev Mel is on the advisory board of Empower Music & Arts, and teaches at its annual Posi-Fest Positive Music and Music Ministry conferences.

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