July 2022

July 13, 2022

I‘m an artist, a musician.

I’m a minister who believes that “minister” is a verb.  It’s what you do, rather than a title you wear.  To minister is to love and love is my only platform.

I believe in love.  I believe it is the only power that can overcome all the world’s ills—hatred, fear, greed.  Love is my God,  God is only Love; therefore anything NOT loving is NOT from God.  My jam as a spiritual teacher is to find the common threads of love in all the world’s literature and religions and celebrate it.

I defend the right for all people to love whomever they wish.  I have been married to the same (crazy) man for almost 30 years, and he makes me laugh every day.  Sometimes against my will.

I do not take myself too seriously… I know me too well:  I laugh loud, cry easily, talk a lot, work hard, and cuss way too much.

I currently (the number changes) have 2 dogs and around 7 cats.  Some inside, some outside.  ALL rescues.

I love the earth.  I try to avoid using anything disposable, and if I can’t avoid it, I reuse and as a last resort, recycle.  I compost.  I garden.

I do the NYT Sunday crossword every week.  I rock word games and suck at Monopoly. Can’t throw a ball to save my life.

I make many mistakes, but I try never to make the mistake of withholding love.  I’m not perfect at it, but I’m learning.

July 27, 2022

The longer I live, the more I am stuck by the power of this truth.

I can see all the negative emotions–hatred, aggression, envy, greed—as fear with a mask of bravado.

When I see the fear in the ‘hater,’ I am more able find compassion for those whose behavior I abhor.

With a heart of love, I can then work more effectively for right and justice.



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